Policies & Procedures


pdfUMFA Reserve Fund Policy

 The policy is available in plain text format upon request.

Reserve Fund Policy Handbook 1


From time to time, UMFA receives requests for support from a variety of sources. It is in the interest of UMFA and its Members to provide support to other Faculty Associations because we share common concerns and the mutual support we offer can assist in reaching our respective goals. Similarly, there may also be benefits in supporting other organizations in the community with whom we have common interests.

These procedures are intended to provide guidance for decision making with respect to these requests for support and to make these procedures transparent to Members.

Requests from Canadian Faculty Associations
The President will respond to requests for UMFA support received from a Canadian Faculty Association or from CAUT on behalf of a Canadian Faculty Association. Normally, these requests will be supported. If the request includes monetary support, the President will take a motion to the Executive Council for approval of any monetary support.

Where the President is responding to a non-monetary request, e.g. letter of support, without taking the issue to Executive Council, an email message will be sent to members of the Executive Council to inform them about the request and the President's response to it. The request and the response from UMFA will be reported at the next Board of Representatives meeting.

If a request includes asking for support from individual UMFA Members, an e-mail message will be sent to Members asking them to consider offering their support, and providing the Association's response, if any, to the request.

Requests from Non-Canadian Faculty Associations
The President will respond to requests for UMFA support received from a non-Canadian Faculty Association or from CAUT on behalf of a non-Canadian Faculty Association. If a request is received directly from a non-Canadian faculty association, the President will consult with CAUT before responding. If the request includes monetary support, the President will take a motion to the Executive Council for approval of any monetary support.

Where the President is responding to a non-monetary request, e.g. letter of support, without taking the issue to Executive Council, an email message will be sent to members of the Executive Council to inform them about this communication. The request and the response from UMFA will be reported at the next Board of Representatives meeting.

If a request includes asking for support from individual UMFA Members, an e-mail message will be sent to Members asking them to consider offering their support, and providing the Association's response, if any, to the request.

Other Requests for Support
If a request is received from an individual or a non-faculty organization, the President will take a motion regarding the proposed response from UMFA to the Executive Council for consideration, whether or not monetary support is requested. The Executive Council will determine whether the request can be dealt with by Executive Council or whether it should be referred to the Board of Representatives for decision, with or without recommendation. Where the Executive Council has made a decision by motion to approve or not approve the request, information regarding the request and response will be communicated to the next Board of Representatives meeting.

When a request has been referred to the Board of Representatives, the Board shall determine whether to deal with the request at that meeting or a subsequent meeting. The normal procedure shall be by a notice of motion.

If a request includes asking for support from individual UMFA Members, an e-mail message will be sent to Members asking them to consider offering their support, and providing the Association's response, if any, to the request.

Note: The President may delegate the responsibilities described above.